Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Out :)

Before anything else, I'd like to greet all the lovely mothers out there: Happy Mother's Day! :) I know it's not easy being a mom- my mom always says so. lol! 

Our mother's day plan started yesterday with me and my sister pondering on what to get our mom. I insisted we get her a greeting card since it's been a habit or a tradition for us kids to give our mom a card- whether we bought it or made it. Then we we're bothered about what gift to buy since we didn't really have a concrete plan. We just thought of hitting up the mall with our cousin and my boyfriend to see what gifts would catch our fancy. We ended up getting my mom a box of mini cupcakes that says "Happy Mom's Day!" from Cakes R- Us.  It was super cute!

One problem we had though was this: how do we get to surprise our mom the next day (today)? We were sure we'd get caught that we bought her cupcakes because she was still up when we went home around 9PM. Our plan was my boyfriend will bring the box to my room so no one would see it and we'd only put the box inside the fridge when mom's asleep. The funny thing was my mom kind-of decided to stay up later than the usual! We had to tell her to go to sleep since dad's already sleeping! lol 

When she went to their room to sleep, I sneaked the cupcakes to the fridge then told my sister we should wake up earlier before our mom does so our surprise won't be ruined. Another funny thing is that we woke up late! Hahaha! When we woke up, our mom was already having breakfast with our dad but we pushed through with our surprised. It was another funny moment because we just kept laughing and didn't say "happy mother's day" in unison. Nonetheless, our mom loved it and I'm so happy she did! :)

So sorry though, no pictures of how we celebrated the rest of the day. These are pictures taken a while ago. :)

I loved this yellow flower! :)

My sister holding the box of mini cupcakes

some pieces missing! haha
I promise, next year would be better for my mom! Happy mother's day, ma. I love you!

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