Sunday, February 17, 2013


Early this morning, I had to experience something new. Something I have been preparing for a bit in the past two weeks. I'm not really a health buff or a "runner" so to speak. Last year, my boyfriend joined a lot of "fun runs". He'd usually ask me to join but I begged off since I really hate waking up very early and I do not like to jog/run alone. I know we'll be going together to the event but his pacing is much faster than mine so I'd still be left out.

A few weeks ago, my office-mate encouraged us to join this local fun run by LGUs (Philhealth and DOH). I signed up for it because most of my workmates were signing up so I thought It'd be fun if all of us went. Since I do not really know what to expect, I had to train myself to run long distance few weeks before the event. I used to practice jog/run but I usually have problems in keeping up with everyone else's pace and I do not really push myself harder. If I felt like I was a little tired, I'd give up. I had to train my endurance and strength for this event. I actually had no plans of winning, all I wanted to do was to finish it.

My race bib which I instagrammed. 
Everyday or thrice a week, our site engineer and I would practice running/jogging after work. The construction site is a good place to practice since there are slopes and your limits would be tested in terms of body strength and endurance. We'd usually go for a few rounds. I'd complete from 1,500km to 3, 500km, depending on my condition, as well as the weather. Last week, I had to inject a few body conditioning just so I know until when I can push myself. I added skipping rope, crunches, and a few stretching here and there as well as weights exercises. I get to sweat so much more and feel great after.

Come race time, I still do not feel 100% ready but I just told myself that I'm there for the experience and nothing else. I had fun. Maybe that's why it's called a "fun run" because you get to have a lot of fun along the way. You get to see older men and women with their friends, a group of college students, little kids, couples and their kids, some professional runners, etc.

Me and my workmate Rose (Treasury Dept) before take off

3k crowd

Going back to the finish line
After completing the 3k leg, I was so proud of myself after getting that finisher's certificate! It was my first, and I finished it! I conquered not exactly a fear but doubts I had for myself. We plan on doing it again but for the mean time, we'd just practice on site. :)

We made it! With my boyfriend PJ and our site engineer, Lowie 
They both ran 5k!
Holding my finisher's certificate! ;)

Happy Sunday, loves!


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