Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Not My Day

When I woke up this morning, I had a terrible feeling... My throat was so itchy and I had exaggerated runny nose! I have been nursing this flu the whole day. Good thing I didn't have fever, like I normally do. I'm doing as much as I can so I can recover quickly because its super difficult to work when your head is about to explode, you're coughing like there's no tomorrow and sniffing thereafter! Sounds like "tunog tao", I swear!

The day could've ended just fine. However, as I am about to sleep, I have another mishap being the clumsy girl that I am. I was bending over to put something in the trash can and accidentally my eye hit the end of the hanger, placed on my closet door! My left eye now hurts and burns a little bit! Why did this have to happen? I'm so scared! I don't care if I get a cut or bruise in my arm or leg because both can still function after recuperation. The eyes, however, cannot. Once your eyes are "destroyed", bruised, etc you can say goodbye to your eyesight! I cannot imagine my life without my sense of sight! How can I drive? How will I be able to see people I'm talking to? How will I be able to work? I don't want to miss out on life.

Moral lesson: be careful... EXTRA CAREFUL!

larraineBee ❤

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